Meet the Team

‘humbly pretentious’ is made up of two members : Beth (owner) and Ela (6 year old niece) ; art is a shared passion of ours and we’d love to make you smile with a piece of our art. Ela will be helping Beth package the orders and provide expert advice on upcoming prints and Beth will execute these to share. Beth started watercolour painting in 2021 and with everyday practice for two years consistently found a huge passion in art. However with two children, time for painting became very limited so Beth decided to pursue her passion via digital art and ‘humbly pretentious’ was formed.

Our Mission: Art Accessibility

‘humbly pretentious’ is a small online store dedicated to making art accessible to all. Our artistic vision is anchored in the belief that art has the power to evoke emotions, thought and empathy.

We’ve applied a 3 tier pricing system to each print and size so you have the option to pay what you can afford and still enjoy the beauty of art in your home. The Tiers are outlined below to guide you in the Tier you apply on your purchase:

Tier 1 - Minimum cost per art print; please opt for this if you have a low income/do not have spare disposable income to purchase beautiful art for your home.

Tier 2 - The price the art print would be advertised if a tier system wasn’t applied; please opt for this if you have the spare disposable income to purchase the stunning art for your home

Tier 3 - Maximum cost per art; please opt for this if you have the spare disposable income AND believe the art print is worth more than the Tier 2 assigned price.

A minimum and maximum price is applied as listed below:

A5 Minimum - £2 Maximum - £8

A4 Minimum - £5 Maximum - £20

A3 Minimum - £10 Maximum - £30

A2 Minimum - £15 Maximum - £40

Note: Custom Art Prints are not subject to the pricing tier system

Pricing System