Monthly Charity Auction

Every month we will put an art print for silent auction that is not available for sale on the website to support raising money for CancerCare

September Auction

Winning Bid ~ £100

The Cree Indians held that the Aurora was part of life's circle and were the spirits of the dead who remained in the sky but apart from their loved ones. The Cree believed that the lights were spirits of these departed friends and relatives trying to communicate with those they had left behind on earth.

100% of the bid was donated to CancerCare

‘Ribbons of Light’

August Charity Auction

August Charity Auction

The reason behind choosing a lion is that the lion symbolises strength, power and courage which all those suffering with cancer and family members who cancer affects have buckets full of.

We successfully raised £76 for CancerCare

‘The Lion King’

Auction Information

A silent auction is a fundraising event at which items for sale are displayed for poeople to browse, place bids on, and purchase. However, unlike traditional or live auctions, there is no auctioneer present. Instead, participants place their bids silently and anonymously. Bidders will not know other people’s bids with the exception of social media updates that may take place expressing what is the current highest bid.

Therefore when submitting your bid, simply bid what you would be willing to pay for it.

The bidding will open and close at designated times published via the website and social media.

Winners will be determined at the end of the auction and will be notified via email and announced on social media (unless requested not to). The winner is determined by the bidder who has the highest recorded bid at the end of the designated time.

Bidders agree to pay in full at the end of the auction and will not receive the art print until payment has been received

100% of the bid will be donated to CancerCare


I started watercolour painting in 2021 after being inspired by my very talented friend Kev Cookmead who was an incredible watercolour artist; he spent a lot of his time teaching me the fundamentals of watercolour, colour theory, and values etc. Sadly he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and passed away in March 2022. Although he was ill, he wanted to make a difference and painted multiple unique paintings to raise money for charity.

If it wasn’t for Kev I wouldn’t have learnt how to paint; he’s the reason I can’t just see blue sky anymore but rather a mixture or warm blues and cool blues and he’s the reason art has bettered my mental health, and the reason I found the passion in art. CancerCare played an integral part of providing Kev and his loved ones the support they needed at the time and I’d like to ensure Kev continues his work in raising money for charity.

Pictured Kev and his wife Helen where his painting of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich was silently auctioned and raised an amazing £5000 for CancerCare.